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How to Plan IBS-Friendly Meals

Millions suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a chronic digestive system condition that’s associated with bloating, belly cramps, diarrhea, and constipation. Like many digestive problems, IBS symptoms tend to flare up in response to triggers, including a surprising number of foods.

Digestive Disease Specialists in Moline, Illinois, and Bettendorf, Iowa, is a top provider of patient-friendly solutions for IBS symptoms, focusing on therapies that combine medical treatment and dietary changes. 

Here, our team offers some easy-to-follow tips to help make IBS-friendly meal planning simpler.

1. Know your triggers

Most people have specific foods that tend to cause their symptoms to flare up. Identifying your personal triggers helps you avoid those foods and reduce uncomfortable symptoms. Keeping a food diary helps you pinpoint which foods cause symptoms so you can optimize your eating plan.

2. Understand FODMAPs

FODMAPs — fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols — are carbohydrates known to cause IBS symptoms when they ferment during digestion. Low-FODMAP foods include rice, oats, lean proteins, and some fruits and vegetables. Search the internet for a complete list of low FODMAP foods before your next grocery store run.

3. Add fiber in moderation

Most people know fiber is good for bowel health — but if you eat too much fiber, you can wind up with diarrhea or constipation — at least until your body adapts. Add fiber-rich foods slowly, and focus on soluble fiber sources, like apples, oats, and bananas, to keep your bowel movements regular.

4. Explore alternate cooking methods

Skip frying and try baking, grilling, broiling, or steaming instead. If you can’t bring yourself to eliminate fried foods entirely, consider buying an air fryer for fried-food taste with just a tiny amount of added fat.

5. Watch caffeine and alcohol intake

Caffeine and alcohol are common triggers for many people, so try to limit foods and drinks that contain these ingredients. Common sources of caffeine include coffee and tea, but energy drinks and even chocolate contain caffeine too.

6. Be mindful of fats and spices

Frying isn’t the only way to add irritating fat to foods. Cut back on high-fat foods, including many baked goods and processed foods, and choose healthy fats, like olive oil or avocado oil, when possible. Limit or avoid hot spices, along with chili powder, oregano, and other strong spices and flavorings.

7. Drink plenty of water

Digestion uses a lot of fluid, and if you’re not drinking enough water, your bowel activity can suffer. Drink water throughout the day and always drink some with meals, especially meals and snacks that contain a lot of fiber.

8. Plan ahead

Planning meals and snacks ahead of time prevents you from reaching for processed or convenience foods that can worsen your symptoms. Consider doing a week’s worth of food prep on the weekend and stock your fridge and pantry with low-FODMAP options to make it easier to eat on the go.

More tips for managing IBS

Modifying your eating habits can offer significant relief for many people with IBS, but it’s also important to make sure you get plenty of sleep and engage in regular exercise to support good bowel health and function. Learn to manage stress with simple activities like deep breathing. Mindful eating can help too.

And finally, scheduling regular visits with our team is an important part of IBS management, helping us adjust your treatment plan to keep you comfortable and healthy. 

To learn more about IBS management, book an appointment online or over the phone with Digestive Disease Specialists today.

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