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Upper GI Endoscopy Specialist

Digestive Disease Specialists

Gastroenterology Practice located in Moline, IL & Bettendorf, IA

An upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that can be used to diagnose as well as treat conditions affecting your upper digestive system. The expert team of gastroenterologists at Digestive Disease Specialists in Moline, Illinois, and Davenport, Iowa, may recommend endoscopy to diagnose the cause of your heartburn, remove a growth or polyp, or control bleeding caused by an ulcer. For an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment for numerous digestive disorders, schedule a visit at Digestive Disease Specialists today. Call the office or request an appointment online.

Upper GI Endoscopy Q&A

Why would I need an upper GI endoscopy?

An upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that’s used to diagnose or treat problems in your upper GI tract. This includes the muscular tube-like structure that carries food from your mouth to your stomach (esophagus), the stomach, and the first portion of your small intestine (duodenum).

Your physician may recommend an upper GI endoscopy to identify a reason for symptoms, such as:

  • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
  • Pain in the upper abdominal region
  • Chest pain that’s not related to cardiac disease
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Frequent or intractable vomiting
  • Frequent or severe heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Upper abdominal bloating

Your provider may also recommend endoscopy to evaluate your upper GI tract after surgery or to gauge the effectiveness of various treatments.

What conditions can you identify with upper GI endoscopy?

An upper GI endoscopy can accurately diagnose various digestive conditions, including:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Esophageal narrowing (strictures)
  • Enlarged veins in the esophagus (esophageal varices)
  • Open sores or ulcerations
  • Inflammation and swelling
  • Cancerous or noncancerous growths, polyps, or tumors
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Traumatic tissue damage caused by swallowing caustic substances
  • Celiac disease
  • Crohn's disease affecting the upper GI tract
  • Barrett’s esophagus

An upper GI endoscopy is generally well tolerated by most people and is also useful for taking tissue samples (biopsies), removing polyps or other suspicious growths, controlling bleeding, or dilating a narrowed esophagus.  

What happens during an upper GI endoscopy?

During an endoscopy, your gastroenterologist passes a small flexible tube with a camera and light on the end (endoscope) into your mouth and guides it carefully through the esophagus and stomach to the upper portion of the small intestine.

A topical anesthetic applied to your throat prevents discomfort and temporarily shuts down your gag reflex. The study is otherwise essentially painless.

Images captured by the high-definition camera as it moves through your upper GI tract are transferred to a nearby monitor that your specialist carefully observes. A video is also recorded for later review.

You are awake but sedated for the study and will need a ride home for safety reasons. We typically recommend you rest overnight and resume normal activities the following day.

For an accurate diagnosis and outstanding specialty care, schedule a visit at Digestive Disease Specialists today. Call the office or use the online tool to request an appointment.